regret meaning in kannada


regret meaning in kannada -Regret n knndd arth | Mossberg

Nearby Translations for

regret meaning in kannada

  • regrooved
  • regrooves
  • regrooving
  • Reground
  • group

regret Definitions and the meanings of regret in English


  1. the feeling of sadness is caused due to a crime committed or an emotional feeling that is triggered from an error made or
  2. upset over past action


  1. regret for
  2. We are sorry for
  3. Be honest with
  4. be grieving over the loss or absence
  5. to decline formal invitations or to be gentle
  6. We're sorry
  7. It is possible that you are angry about

Synonyms of Regret

Synonyms in Kannadapshcaattaap , beesrike.
Synonyms in Englishsorrow, rue

Antonyms of Regret Meaning in Kannada :-

Antonyms in KannadasNtooss.
Antonyms in Englishdelight , happines

Word Forms / Inflections for

regret meaning in kannada

regrets (noun plural)regretted (verb past tense)
regretting (verb in the present participle)
regrets (verb present in the present)

Definitions and Meanings Of Remorse in English

We regret it

Regret The meaning in Kannada :- an adjective

  1. feelings of sadness that are triggered due to a crime committed or an emotion of sadness resulting from a mistake made
    Synonyms: rue, ruefulness, sorrow
    - He did not drink his way out of his depression
    - He wrote a note in which he expressed his grief.
    He regretted his regret, the mistake cost him the game.

Regret Meaning in Kannada :-

  1. We express our regret
    - I regret to announce that you were unable to get admission into Harvard
  2. Refrain informally or gently
    Sorry, I'm not able to go to the party.
  3. be sorry for be at ease
    Synonyms: repent, rue
  4. grieve over the loss or absence

Synonyms for Regret in Kannada :-

rue, ruefulness sorrow, regret, repent

Antonyms for Regret in Kannada :-

Contentedness, Happiness, Satisfaction


Credit: John Gast, artist, after J.G. Brown
License Public domain

Remorse is the feeling of regretting having you had taken a different path in the past, mostly because the results of that choice were negative.

Show English Meaning

Regret in Kannada :-


(1) sadness that is a result of an error or displeasure

verb for Regret in Kannada "Regret" in Kannada

(1) Be sorry about the loss or absence of being honest about

(2) be devastated by the loss you have suffered, or the absence of

(3) to write an apology in writing or politely

(4) apologize

Examples for Meaning of Regret in Kannada:-

(1) The attempt did not succeed to the chagrin of everyone who was

(2) The grief of her does not express regret for the loss of the ties, but rather the deep sadness of her final goodbye.

(3) It's an issue of regret that the school is set to close soon.

(4) You'll be sorry for this

(5) 5 the tickets can't be exchanged

(6) The gatherings are bittersweet and are weighed down by sadness, regret, and guilt.

(7) Peter's death was greeted with great sorrow and genuine sadness across the district.

(8) This man couldn't help but feel sad.

(9) it is to my utmost regret that I've been forced to resign.

(10) We are sorry for any inconvenience that may have been caused to customers

(11) The house I call home my sanctuary, and when will I stop regretting you!

(12) 12) had a breakdown in nerves. She expressed her regret and shame about the cowardice of her teens.

(13) The idea is believed that it will help reduce feelings of regret, remorse , and guilt that are at the center of the symptoms associated with Post Traumatic Stress.

(14) We deeply regret the decision

(15) Did he get the opportunity to admit regretting not recording earlier?

(16) They confess regret that they were at fault.


for Meaning of Regret in Kannada:-


She regretted instantly her words

Feel sad, regretful , or dissatisfied to be disappointed regretful, sad, or angry (something that has occurred or occurred particularly a chance to lose).

NOUN for Meaning of Regret in Kannada:-

She expressed her sorrow about Virginia's passing.

an emotion of sorrow an emotion of regret, sadness or displeasure over an event that has occurred or been completed.

EXAMPLE for Meaning of Regret in Kannada:-

the loss of his father's death is the reason that brings a lot of sadness and regret'

We regret having to share this information with you ...

The Daily Bugle expresses its regret and pledges to improve in the near future.

we regret that no tickets are exchangeable.

He was forced to decline and "regret"

The sessions are sweet. And weighed down by guilt and regret.

The authors would like to express regret for the error of omitting of acknowledgments.

my biggest regret is that i didn't tell her.

We'd like to share our "regrets" for her passing

We regret that readers might be able to conclude from the article in the column, that units for rent were being converted into condominiums.

she expressed her "regret" over Virginia's passing

In a recent interview, Mr Taylor said he had no regrets about the amount of money he lost due to his clients' investments in his business.

She expressed regret at the fact that she was forced to give all rights for her show.

We invite you to write us your gardening concerns We regret that we're not able to reply in a personal way to readers, however we'll try our best to address your questions via this column.

The news of Peter's death was received with a great deal of sorrow and sincere "regret" across the district.

Did the singer ever regret not returning to recording earlier?

I'm regretful that I didn't have the opportunity to learn Irish

We're sorry for this mistake and deeply regret any inconvenience this may cause users of this journal.

Stephanie was careful to inject the agent with the serum while pretending to smile in regret and disappointment to her appearance.

It is hoped that it will lessen feelings of regret guilt or regret, as well as remorse and guilt. All of these are at the root of the symptoms that is post Traumatic Stress.

We are deeply disappointed by this decision.

Patricia's family members learned of her death with a lot of sorrow and sorrow.

We regret the mistake and apologize towards Aaron Ruell and Pablo Ferro.

my home, when do I stop resenting you?

Our apologies for confusion that we created for readers through our food metabolism articles and eating.

We're sorry that there are no tickets that can be exchanged

It's serious business . To be expressing regret over the severity of his punishment is somewhat absurd.

He does not "regret" the slightest thing was said.

He was obliged to say no in'regret'

She declared her "regret" at Virginia's demise

More matches to be regretted

adjective for regret meaning in kannada


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English as derived from Kannada Dictionary: regret

The definitions as well as the significance of regret. including the transliteration of regret from Kannada language with similar or opposing words. The pronunciation spoken of regret can be heard in English as well as in Kannada.

Keywords for"regrets" in "regret"

What does regret mean What is regret in Kannada What exactly is regret? What is the meaning that of regret is in Kannada The definition of regret along with explanation, pronunciation, and explanation along some examples of how to express regret within Kannada.

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